Kamis, 03 September 2009


Soal termokimia
1. Pernyataan berikut yang benar tentang proses eksoterm adalah ….
a. terjadi perpindahan kalor dari lingkungan ke sistem
b. sistem menyerap kalor dari lingkungan terdekat
c. lingkungan terdekat dengan sistem menjadi panas
d. perpindahan kalor terjadi antar pereaksi satu dengan yang lain
e. suhu sistem menjadi dingin karena melepas kalor ke lingkungan

2. Sekelompok siswa melakukan pengamatan sebagai berikut:
1. Gamping diberi air
2. NaOH(s) dilarutkan ke dalam air
3. Asam sulfat diteteskan ke dalam Erlenmeyer yang berisi air
4. Garam dapur dilarutkan ke dalam air
Dari ke empat pengamatan di atas, proses yang tergolong endoterm adalah ….
a. 1
b. 1 dan 2
c. 3 dan 4
d. 4
e. 1, 2, 4

3. Larutan KOH dan larutan HCl yang masing-masing konsentrasinya 0,1 M mula-mula suhunya 13oC. Bila 50 mL larutan KOH ditambahkan ke dalam larutan HCl yang volumenya 50 mL juga, ternyata suhu campuran naik menjadi 28oC, jika masing-masing 200 mL larutan yang dicampurkan, maka kenaikkan suhunya adalah …
a. 3,75oC
d. 30 oC
b. 7,5 oC
e. 45 oC
c. 15 oC

4. Perubahan entalpi pembakaran gas CH4 (Ar C = 12, H = 1) = -80 kJ/mol. Berapa kJ perubahan entalpi pembakaran 4 g gas tersebut?
a. -10 kJ
d. -70 kJ
b. -20 kJ
e. -80 kJ
c. -50 kJ

5. Diketahui :
C6H12O6 + 6O2 --> 6CO2 + 6H2O ΔH = -280 kJ
C2H5OH+3O2 --> 2CO2+3H2O ΔH = -1380 kJ
Perubahan entalpi reaksi fermentasi glukosa: C6H12O6 --> C2H5OH + 2CO2 adalah ….
a. +60 kJ
d. -1440 kJ
b. -60 kJ
e. +2880 kJ
c. +1440 kJ

6. Diketahui entalpi pembentukan H2O(l) = -285 kJ mol-1, CO2(g) = -393 kJ mol-1 dan C2H2(g) = +227 kJ mol-1. Jumlah kalor yang dibebaskan pada pembakaran 0,52 gram gas C2H2 (Mr = 26) adalah ….
a. 25,96 kJ
d. 90,50 kJ
b. 47,06kJ
e. 129,80 kJ
c. 67,49 kJ

7. Diketahui data energi ikatan rata-rata :
H – H = 437,64 kJ mol –1
Cl – Cl = 242,76 kJ mol –1
H – Cl = 433,02 kJ mol –1
Untuk menguraikan 146 gram HCl menjadi H2 dan Cl2 diperlukan kalor sebanyak ……
a. 989,52 kJ
e. 247,38 kJ
b. 494,76 kJ
d. 123,69 kJ
c. 388,08 kJ

1. In a solution the substance that is being dissolved is called the ….
a. solvent
b. emulsifier
c. solute
d. filtrate
e. precipitate

2. Which of the following correctly describes a solute and a solvent?
a. A solute dissolves a solvent.
b. A solute is dissolved in a solvent
c. A solvent is dissolved in a solute.
d. (a) and (b).
e. (a) and (c)

3. What is a term used to describe a mixture of tiny particles that are evenly mixed and do not settle out?
a. Solvent
b. Solution
c. Solute
d. Aquous
e. Sea water

4. The best method to separate the solute from the solvent in a solution would be ….
a. distillation
b. filtration
c. sedimentation
d. precipitation
e. crystallization

5. What makes water such a good solvent?
a. Water is a good solvent because it is a negatively charged ion.
b. Water is such a good solvent because it repels most molecules
c. Water is such a good solvent because it is such a small molecule
d. Water is a good solvent due to its polarity and small molecular size

6. An example of a solution is ….
a. sugar and water
b. sand and water
c. milk
d. creamer
e. oil

7. How do concentrated solutions differ from dilute solutions?
a. Concentrated solutions contain more solute in a solvent than
equal amounts of dilute solution
b. Concentrated solutions contain less solute in a solvent than equal amounts of dilute solution.
c. Concentrated solutions contain more solvent than a dilute solution.
d. Concentrated solutions contain more solution than a dilute solution.

8. What happens when more solute is added to a saturated solution?
a. The solution becomes unsaturated.
b. The solution has to make more room for particles.
c. There is less room for the particles in the solution.
d. No more solute can dissolve.

9. Which drink probably contains the most particles?
a. a drink that contains 10 percent juice
b. a drink that contains 90 percent juice
c. a drink that contains 90 percent water
d. a drink that contains 100 percent water

10. What happens to the amount of oxygen dissolved in the ocean's surface as the water is warmed by Earth's atmosphere?
a. The amount of oxygen in the water remains unchanged.
b. The amount of oxygen in the water increases.
c. The amount of oxygen in the water decreases.
d. Fish in the water need oxygen to survive.

11. What is the size of particles in a solution?
a. More than 10,000 Angstroms
b. Between 10,000 and 100,000 Angstroms
c. Between 10 and 10,000 Angstroms
d. Molecule size

12. A solution that cannot hold any more solute at room temperature is …
a. a weak solution
b. a concentrated solution
c. a saturated solution
d. a supersaturated solution

13. What is a colloid?
a. A colloid is a kind of solution.
b. A colloid is a kind of solvent.
c. A colloid is a kind of mixture.
d. A colloid is a kind of suspension.

14. What is one property of a suspension that is different from that of a solution or a colloid?
a. If left to rest, the particles of a suspension will settle out.
b. The particles of a suspension reflect light.
c. A suspension is always clear
d. Suspensions are colorless

15. How is a colloid different than a suspension?
a. Particles are homogeneous in a colloid, but heterogeneous in a suspension.
b. Particles will scatter light in a suspension, but not in a colloid.
c. Colloids are solutions, suspensions are not.
d. Suspensions can be separated using filter paper, colloids can not.

16. Which of the following statements about suspensions is correct?
a. The particles in a suspension will not scatter light.
b. The particles in a suspension settle upon standing.
c. The particles in a suspension are homogeneous.
d. All of the above

17. The most likely cause of colloidal particles not settling out over time is ….
a. their small size
b. their bonding to the solvent particles
c. their constant motion
d. electrostatic repulsion
e. all of the above

18. An example of a colloid formed by a gas dispersed in a liquid is (2 correct)
a. foam
b. hipped cream
c. a marshmallow
d. milk

19. An example of an aerosol colloid is ….
a. paint
b. gelatine
c. hair spray
d. fog and gelatine
e. mayonnaise and paint

20. An example of a sol colloid is ….
a. paint
b. smoke
c. emulsion
d. fog
e. fog andsmoke

21. Butter is an example of colloid which the dispersing medium is … and the dispersed substance is ….
a. liquid – solid
b. gas – liquid
c. solid – liquid
d. solid – gas
e. liquid – gas

22. The type of colloid of paint is ….
a. aerosol
b. sol
c. foam
d. emulsion
e. solid emulsion

23. If the dispersing medium is gas and the dispersed substance is solid, the example of this is ….
a. smoke
b. soap
c. cloud
d. cream
e. butter

24. Solid emulsion consists of ….
Dispersing Medium Dispersed Substance
a. Gas Liquid
b. Gas Solid
c. Liquid Gas
d. Liquid Solid
e. Solid Liquid

25. An emulsion is always between ….
a. two solids
b. a solid and liquid
c. two gases
d. two liquids
e. a solid anf gas

26. An example of a colloid which is an emulsion is ….
a. wipped cream
b. mayonnaise
c. fog
d. gelatin

27. Oil floats on water. The most accurate reason for this is ….
a. oil is less dense than water
b. oil is immiscible (does not dissolve) in water
c. oil is both less dense and immiscible with water
d. water is heavier than oil

28. Oil and water can not mix each other, because ….
a. oil and water have different type of molecules
b. both substances can not attract one of another
c. oil is a non polar molecule and water is polar
d. oil is a polar molecule and water is non polar

29. To mix oil and water, we need ….
a. an emulgator
b. much water
c. much oil
d. diluting oil

30. as an emulgator, we can use ….
a. pure water
b. soap
c. pure oil
d. mineral
e. soap or mineral

31. Soap can be used as an emulgator because ….
a. it can hold water molecules
b. it can hold oil molecules
c. it can hold water and oil
d. the polar part can hold water and the non polar part can hold oil

32. The formula of a soap is ….
c. C17H35COOH
d. C17H35COONa
e. (C17H35COO)2Ca

33. The correct statement about a soap is ….
a. a salt
b. contains – COOH
c. has a short chain
d. the carbon chain is a polar part

34. To know that the particles of colloid always move around ….
a. Tyndall effect
b. Brown motion
c. electrophoresis
d. destilation

35. The … is the scattering of light rays as they pass through a colloid.
a. Brown Motion
b. Tyndall Effect
c. dialysis
d. electrodialysis
e. electrophoresis

36. The correct statements about colloids are …. (2 correct)
a. are permanent suspensions
b. are temporary suspensions
c. exhibit the Tyndall effect
d. do not exhibit the Tyndall effect

37. Electrophoresis can be used to know ….
a. a charge of a colloid
b. a mixture is a colloid
c. a type of colloid
d. a colloid is acid or base
e. a colloid is stable

38. In electrophoresis process, if a colloid moves to the negative electrode, the charge is ….
a. negative
b. positive
c. neutral
d. can be positive
e. can be negative

39. A charge of a colloid is tested by using electrophoresis process. The colloid moves to the positive electrode and there is a coagulation. The correct information about this evidence is ….
a. the charge is positive
b. the colloid becomes neutral
c. the charge is damage
d. the charge is opened
e. the charge is neutralized and the colloid is coagulated

40. The excess of electrolytes in a colloid can be removed by ….
a. electrolysis
b. decantation
c. electrophoresis
d. dialysis
e. precipitation

41. Dialysis: phenomenon in which small solute particles as well as solvent particles pass through a semipermeable membrane. This method can be used to ….
a. purify a colloid
b. know a colloid charge
c. dilute a colloid
d. separate a colloid
e. remove a colloid charge

42. The charge of a colloid is happened because of the ability of colloid particles to … other particles around the colloid.
a. attract
b. bond
c. link
d. adsorb
e. dissolve

43. Coagulation - the destruction of a colloid by destroying electrostatic repulsion by the following methods, except ….
a. evaporating
b. heating
c. speeds up particles and collisions remove outer layers of ions
d. addition of an electrolyte
e. removes layers of ions

44. A colloid can be destroyed by ….
a. heating
b. adding an electrolyte
c. coagulating
d. all of the above

45. The formation of “Delta” in the river because of mixing between ….
a. electrolytes from the river and colloid from the sea
b. electrolytesfrom both river and sea
c. colloid from both river and sea
d. colloid from the river and electrolytes from the sea

46. When two colloids that have different charge mix together, … will happen.
a. coagulation
b. dillution
c. evaporation
d. polarization
e. precipitation

47. If the layers of ions are removed from a colloid, … will happen.
a. coagulation
b. dillution
c. precipitation
d. solvation
e. polarization

48. Sol which has a negative charge can be coagulated fastly by adding … electrolyte
a. NaCl(aq)
b. CaCl2(aq)
c. AlCl3(aq)
d. Na2SO4(aq)
e. Na3PO4(aq)

49. Sol which has a positive charge will coagulate fastly by adding ….
a. Na3PO4
b. CaCl2
c. AlCl3
d. Ba(NO3)2
e. HCl

50. There is an unstable colloid which need to be covered with other colloid. The example of this colloid is ….
a. ink
b. milk
c. gel
d. aerosol
e. emulsion

51. A certain colloid can cover another colloid. The main colloid can … the outer colloid.
a. attract
b. bond
c. link
d. adsorb
e. dissolve

52. Sulfur sol in water is ….
a. a liofil
b. a liofob
c. a hydrofil
d. hydrofob

53. Gelatine is classified as ….
a. gel – liofil
b. sol - liofob
c. aerosol – liofil
d. aerosol – liofob

54. The correct statement about the difference between liofil and liofob is ….
a. liofil is more stable than liofob
b. liofil is more polar than liofob
c. liofil is more acidic than liofob
d. liofob is much better than liofil
e. liofob is much concentrate than liofil

55. Vitamine D is a nonpolar vitamine and so are ….
1. water soluble
2. fat soluble
3. hydrophobic
4. hydrophilic

a. 1 and 2
b. 1 and 3
c. 2 and 3
d. 2 and 4
e. 1 and 4

56. Sulfur sol can be made by … method.
a. dispersion
b. condensation
c. evaporation
d. saturation
e. coagulation

57. Sulfur sol in water can be made by
a. mixturing sulfur and water
b. using sugar to make sulfur particles are more homogen in water
c. heating sulfur in water
d. cooling sulfur before mixing

58. Sugar is needed to make a sulfur colloid. The function of sugar is ….
a. to separate sulfur molecules one of another
b. to make water easier mix with sulfur
c. to improve polarity of sulfur
d. to increase polarity of water
e. to decrease attraction between sulfur and water

59. The following colloid can be made by condensation.
1. gold sol from solid
2. paint from solid
3. AgCl sol from solution
4. sulfur sol from SO2 gas

The correct answers are ….
a. 1 and 2
b. 3 and 4
c. 1 and 3
d. 2 and 4
e. 1, 2, and 4

60. The correct answer of a colloid that made by peptisation is ….
a. Al(OH)3 is added into water
b. Al(OH)3 is added into AlCl3
c. AlCl3 is added into water
d. AlCl3 is added into HCl
e. AlCl3 is added into Al(NO3)3

61. The following colloid can be made by hydrolysis.
a. Fe(OH)3
b. AgCl
c. Au
d. S

62. Hydrolisis of FeCl3(aq) forms ....
a. H2O
b. Fe3+
c. Cl-
d. Fe(OH)3 and HCl
e. Fe(OH)3 and H+

63. Ag sol can be made from Ag+(aq) and Fe2+(aq) according to the following reaction:
This method is named ....
a. dispersion
b. condensation
c. hydrolisis
d. condensation, redox
e. dispersion, physics

64. The process that can be classified as condensation is ….
a. As2S3 sol from H2S(g) + As2O3(aq)
b. S8(s) + sugar, + water
c. Gelatin(s) + hot water
d. Al(OH)3(s) + AlCl3(aq)
e. Au electrode in AuCl3(aq)

65. If Al2(SO4)3 dissolves in water, there is a colloid formed which can clean water. This colloid is ….
a. Al2(SO4)3
b. Al(OH)3
c. H2SO4
d. HAl(SO4)2
e. Al

66. The following chemicals that contains aluminium and can be used for cleaning water is ....
a. bauxite
b. tawas
c. cryolite
d. kaoline
e. aluminate

67. Al2(SO4)3 can clean water, because ....
a. It hydrolises
b. The result of hydrolisis is a colloid
c. a colloid of Al(OH)3 in water absorbs dust, poison etc.
d. aluminium reacts with water
e. aluminium hydroxide is a base
Soal Persiapan UNAS KIMIA
1. Ion Ca2+ konfigurasi elektronnya 1s2 2s2 2p6. Jika nomor massanya 40, maka
jumlah proton, netron, dan elektron berturut-turut adalah ….
a. 20, 20, 18
d. 18, 18, 40
b. 20, 20, 20
e. 18, 20, 40
c. 18, 18, 22
2. Ion A2- mempunyai konfigurasi elektron 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d10 4p6 5s2 4d10 5p6.Nomor atom A adalah ….
a. 52 d. 58
b. 54 e. 60
c. 56
3. Jika konfigurasi elektron ion B2+ 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d10 4s2, nomor atom B adalah ….
a. 28 d. 34
b. 30 e. 36
c. 32
4. Unsur X memiliki nomor atom 35. Konfigurasi elektron ion X- adalah ….
a. 1s22s22p63s23p63d104s2 4p5
b. 1s22s22p63s23p63d104s24p6
c. 1s22s22p63s23p63d104s24p55s1
d. 1s22s22p63s23p63d104s24p4
e. 1s22s22p63s23p63d104s14p5
5. Unsur X mempunyai konfigurasi elektron 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d10 4s2 4p5. Pernyataan yang benar adalah ….
a. elektron valensinya 5
b. elektron valensinya 7
c. elektron valensinya 10
d. konfigurasi elektron [Kr] 4p5
e. konfigurasi elektron [Kr] 4s2
6. Suatu unsur X nomor atom 8, nomor massa 16 berikatan dengan unsur Y nomor atom 11 nomor massa 23. Penulisan rumus senyawa yang benar adalah ….
a. XY d. YX2
b. X2Y e. Y2X
c. XY2
7. Suatu unsur X, konfigurasi elektron 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 dengan unsur Y, konfigurasi elektron 1s2 2s2 2p5, dapat membentuk suatu senyawa yang rumusnya ….
a. XY d. X2Y
b. XY2 e. X2Y3
c. X3Y2
8. Suatu atom memiliki konfigurasi elektron [Ar]4s23d10. Elektron terakhir mempunyai kemungkinan bilangan kuantum ….
a. n = 3 ; l = 2 ; m = 2
b. n = 3 ; l = 1 ; m = -1
c. n = 3 ; l = 3 ; m = 0
d. n = 3 ; l = 3 ; m = -3
e. n = 3 ; l = 3 ; m = -2
9. Jika dalam perjanjian ditetapkan perputaran elektron searah jarum jam,¯ bernilai –½, dan perputaran elektron yang berlawanan jarum jam ¬ bernilai +½. Suatu elektron terakhir mempunyai bilangan kuantum berturut-turut n = 3, l = 2, m = 0, s = -½, dan atom tersebut mempunyai jumlah neutron 31, maka nomor massa atom tersebut adalah ….
a. 54 d. 59
b. 48 e. 60
c. 45
10. Elektron terakhir atom X memiliki harga n =4, l =1, m =+1, s = -½. Jika s = - elektron ¯, dan s = + elektron ¬. Nomor atom X adalah ….
a. 18 d. 36
b. 33 e. 54
c. 35
11. Di antara unsur-unsur :20A, 16B, 14C, 10D dan 6E pasangan yang memiliki terletak dalam golongan yang sama adalah ….
a.A dan C d. B dan E
b. A dan D e. C dan E
c. B dan C
12. Diketahui unsur-unsur A, B, C dan D masing-masing mempunyai susunan elektron:
A. 1s22s22p63s2
B. 1s22s22p63s1
C. 1s22s22p63s23p63d104s1
D. 1s22s22p63s23p63d104s24p65s2
Di antara unsur tersebut yang terletak dalam satu golongan adalah …
a. A dan B d. B dan D
b. B dan C e. C dan D
c. A dan D
13. Yang manakah diantara konfigurasi elektron di bawah ini menunjukkan adanya elektron tereksitasi ?
a. 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s1
b. 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s1
c. 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s1 3d1
d. 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p1
e. 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d2
14. Ion 24Cr3+ mempunyai konfigurasi elektron …
a. 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d1
b. 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d4
c. 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d3
d. 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d7
e. 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d7
15. Konfigurasi elektron ion X2+ : (Ar) 3d5. Dalam sistem periodik unsur X terletak pada ....
a. golongan III perioda 3
b. golongan III perioda 5 c. golongan V perioda 4 d. golongan VII perioda 4 e. golongan VI perioda 5
16. Unsur A memiliki harga bilangan kuantum elektron terakhir n = 3, l= 1, m= -1, s = + 1/2. Dalam sistem periodik, A terletakpada ....
a. golongan IIIA perioda 3 b. golongan IIIB perioda 3 c. golongan IVA perioda 4 d. golongan IVB perioda 4 e. golongan VB perioda 5

17. Senyawa A2B terdiri atas ion-ion. Unsur yang mungkin untuk A dan B adalah ….
a. hidrogen dan belerang
b. natrium dan oksigen
c. kalium dan khlor
d. kalsium dan brom
e. barium dan yod
18. Beberapa unsur A, B, C, dan D memiliki nomor atom berturut-turut 1, 7, 17, dan 19. Rumus senyawa beserta jenis ikatan yang benar adalah ….
a. BA3, kovalen polar
b. AC, ion
c. BC3, kovalen non polar
d. DA, kovalen
e. DC, kovalen polar

19. Unsur A nomor atom 6, nomor massa 12 dengan unsur B nomor atom 17, nomor massa 35 dapat membentuk senyawa yang rumusnya AB4. Senyawa ini memiliki ikatan ….
a. ion
b. kovalen
c. elektrovalen
d. kovalen polar
e. kovalen non polar

20. Unsur A(Ne)3s1 dengan unsur B(Ne)3s23p5 dapat bereaksi membentuk suatu senyawa. Rumus senyawa dan jenis ikatan yang mungkin adalah ….
a. NaBr, kovalen
b. NaCl, ion
c. KCl, kovalen
d. KF, ion
e. KBr, kovalen

21. Dari zat-zat berikut yang mempunyai ikatan kovalen dan molekulnya bersifat polar adalah ….
a. CH4 d. NH3
b. KCl e. Cl2
c. CO2

22. Diantara zat-zat berikut yang mempunyai ikatan kovalen dan molekulnya bersifat non polar adalah ….
a. CHCl3 d. PH3
b. CaCl2 e. H2
c. BF3

23. Beberapa unsur A, B, C, dan D memiliki nomor atom berturut-turut 1, 7, 17, dan 19. Rumus senyawa beserta jenis ikatan yang benar adalah ….
a. BA3, kovalen polar
b. AC, ion
c. BC3, kovalen non polar
d. DA, kovalen
e. DC, kovalen polar

24. Unsur-unsur A, B, C, D dan E memiliki nomor atom berturut-turut 1, 6, 9, 10, dan 12. Pasangan unsur yang dapat membentuk ikatan ion adalah ….
a. A – B d. A – C
b. B – D e. C – E
c. D - E

25. Unsur 12A dengan unsur 35B bila bersenyawa membentuk ….
a. AB2 , ikatan kovalen polar
b. A2B , ikatan kovalen polar
c. AB2 , ikatan kovalen non polar
d. A2B , ikatan ion
e. AB2 , ikatan ion

26. Diantara senyawa-senyawa berikut yang memiliki ikatan koordinasi adalah ….
a. NH3 d. PCl3
b. NH3BF3 e. Ca(OH)2
c. Ca(OCl)2

27. Unsur-unsur berikut yang elektronnya dapat bergerak bebas bagaikan arus, sehingga semua partikelnya terikat kuat adalah ….
a. besi, belerang, silikon
b. helium, hidrogen, oksigen
c. natrium, seng, aluminium
d. nitrogen, klor, neon
e. kalium, kalsium, karbon

28. Ikatan antar dipol-dipol permanen terdapat pada ….
a. H2O d. CH3OH
b. C2H5OH e. NH3
c. HCl

29. Ikatan hidrogen terdapat pada pasangan senyawa ….
a. H2O dengan H2S
b. HF dengan HCl
c. NH3 dengan C2H5OH
d. C2H5OH dengan CH3OCH3
e. HI dengan H2O

30. Ikatan Van Der Waals dapat terjadi antara molekul-molekul ….
a. ammoniak
b. metana
c. air
d. alkohol
e. asam cuka

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